October 2016

Objectively Assessed Need for Housing in North Warwickshire

The Strategic Planning & Research Unit (SPRU) of the DLP Consulting Group has been instructed to support DLP Planning Ltd’s Rugby office at a Public Inquiry in North Warwickshire, giving evidence on the objectively assessed need for housing.

The inquiry will be important across the West Midlands as it may consider how unmet need arising from the Greater Birmingham housing market area (HMA) and Coventry and Warwickshire HMA is to be delivered across the region.

John HelyarObjectively Assessed Need for Housing in North Warwickshire
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Rotherham Sites and Policies Plan Examination – Stage 2 Hearings Commence

The Rotherham Sites and Policies Plan (Stage 2) examination reconvened on 17th October 2016 to discuss housing land supply matters. Members of DLP and SPRU presented evidence to the examination detailing the delivery of sites and the process and methodology to determine a flexible and realistic supply to ensure that housing needs are met across Rotherham.

The examination hearings will continue over the next few weeks to consider the soundness of proposed allocations for development. DLP will be attending on behalf of a number of clients to support the allocation of their land for development through discussions with the Inspector and Council at the hearing sessions.

John HelyarRotherham Sites and Policies Plan Examination – Stage 2 Hearings Commence
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Annual Home Builders Federation Yorkshire Conference and Dinner

DLP (Planning) Ltd would like to thank those from Harworth Estates, HLM, Bond Dickinson, Nabarro, Architectural Innovations and Counter Context who joined us for the Annual HBF Yorkshire Conference and Dinner last night.

The event, was chaired by the HBF Regional Chairman, Jolyon Harrison, speeches from Peter Andrew, Huw Bowen, Oliver Knight and Jenny Herdman and John Slaughter provided the latest insights into the house building market following Brexit.  What was clear was that the housing crisis which has been building up over decades remains and that significant measures will be needed to boost the delivery and supply of housing in line with Government targets for new homes delivery. This also needs to be viewed in the wider context of providing access to homes for a growing and changing population as well as supporting economic aspirations.

Oliver Knight’s review of the latest Knight Frank information was telling however in respect of the continuing disparity between regional price growth in houses from London, the south east and the south when compared to other areas.  Emphasis was given to housing being at the forefront of the political agenda and the effects of improved policy environments was being felt by the industry. Schemes such as Help To Buy and Home Builders Fund would need to have certainty to them to deliver the benefits anticipated of them. There was unanimous support for small and medium size housebuilders and the housing white paper due to be published later this year will set out the Government focus in that regard.

Going forward there remains particular uncertainty about the implications that Brexit will have on the country and of course the house-building industry but the message is clear, more homes need to be built to meet the chronic under-supply that has taken place over the last few decades. The opportunity to push forward the housing growth agenda can have wide-scale economic and social benefits which need to be recognised and balanced in making planning decisions.

Kerry TitmusAnnual Home Builders Federation Yorkshire Conference and Dinner
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Future of the Sheffield Devolution Deal

DLP (Planning) Limited attended the Insider Yorkshire Devolution. The well attended event was chaired by Councillor Sir Steve Houghton CBE, of the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority and Sir Nigel Knowles, chairman of the LEP.

The background to the devolution proposals were provided with a potted history explaining that In October 2015, the Chancellor transferred national powers and control over funding from Central Government to the Sheffield City Region. This was championed with the headline figure of £900 million being provided to the region over the next 30 years to deliver major regeneration schemes, infrastructure and business enterprise. The deal was approved by the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority on Thursday 31 March 2016.

There was a great emphasis on cultural change and shared goals between the private and public sector. The outcome of Brexit gives further emphasis to the need to communicate the regions success to people outside the city region. In leaving the European Union, the international community need to know what the region is about. This includes those opportunities to voice what the city region is proud of, where there are opportunities for improvements and setting goals which, when achieved, can be celebrated.

The event looked at the challenges and opportunities of greater devolution across the Sheffield City region in the context of the Northern Powerhouse concept. There was particular reference to the role of Universities in attracting graduates to stay and work in Sheffield, the uniqueness of Advanced Manufacturing and Research in the region as a driver for investment, growth and job creation. The Olympic Legacy Park was also highlighted as a flagship project for regeneration the Don Valley while Doncaster’s National College for High Speed Rail and major town centre improvements plans in Barnsley are also touchstones for the evolution of the city region.

DLP are proud to be involved in projects which are touchstones for delivering success across the city region.

John HelyarFuture of the Sheffield Devolution Deal
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Appeal success at former Hartington Creamery

After a lengthy appeal process, DLP Planning Ltd has secured planning permission for the demolition of the former Hartington Cheese Factory in the Peak District National Park, to be replaced by a development of 22 open market dwellings and 4 affordable units.

DLP were engaged by the landowner following the refusal of planning permission by the Peak District Planning Committee. Throughout the 14 month hearing process, a multi-disciplinary team comprising Latham Architects, Nigel Winter Associates and Peak Ecology as well as the Peak District Rural Housing Association presented evidence addressing issues including landscape impact, drainage, design, viability and ecology. All of these issues were considered by the Inspector within the context of strict local and national policy controls regarding new development in the National Park.

The Appeal Inspector noted that the level of attendance and the views expressed by the public and the Parish Council during the appeal hearing sessions, emphasised the importance of this site and the proposals for it. Nevertheless he found that the redevelopment of the former factory would enhance the character and appearance of Hartington within the National Park and would enable an identified need for affordable housing to be addressed.

On this basis, and taking account of the social benefits and contributions to the local economy offered by the scheme, he found that exceptional circumstances in the public interest existed to justify the development proposals and allowed the appeal, granting planning permission for the development.


John HelyarAppeal success at former Hartington Creamery
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Low Carbon Renewable Energy Centre in the Don Valley, Sheffield

DLP Planning Ltd have been instructed to enter pre application negotiations with Sheffield City Council for a Low Carbon Renewable Energy Centre in the Don Valley. The technology will be ultra clean and the electricity exported will provide funding for the development of a rugby stadium on the Olympic Legacy Park.

The pre-application enquiry precedes a full planning application which is anticipated to combine the energy centre and the rugby stadium. The development proposals follow a hybrid permission received last year at the Olympic Legacy Park for a mix of uses including education, sport and leisure, at the site of the former Don Valley Stadium.

John HelyarLow Carbon Renewable Energy Centre in the Don Valley, Sheffield
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Planning permission secured for a dwelling in Sheffield within Flood Zone 2

DLP (Planning) Ltd (DLP) have successfully secured full planning permission for a dwelling house in Sheffield.

The site is a brownfield site within the urban area of Sheffield and has been the subject of fly-tipping. The site is in a sustainable location offering easy access to public transport and the City Centre.

The main constraint to development was the sites location within Flood Zone 2, meaning that the site is determined as being at medium risk of flooding. Two previous applications for a dwelling house had been refused by Sheffield City Council on the site due to failure to pass the sequential test.

However, the application, prepared by DLP, demonstrated that there are substantial and significant planning merits in support of the application which clearly outweigh the failure to satisfy the Sequential Test. The development will make a small, but important, contribution to the Council’s housing supply, incorporate renewable energy measures and will remove an area of hardstanding, replacing it with a garden area.

DLP also represented the Client at Planning Committee where Members resolved to grant planning permission.

John HelyarPlanning permission secured for a dwelling in Sheffield within Flood Zone 2
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Planning permission secured on former social club site in Long Lartin, Worcestershire

DLP (Planning) Ltd have assisted a regional housebuilder to secure planning permission for 9 dwellinghouses on the site of a former social club in Long Lartin, Worcestershire.

DLP provided the Planning Statement to support the application and successfully demonstrated that the Applicant was not required to provide affordable housing on site or by means of a financial contribution. This follows the Court of Appeal decision in May 2016, which gives legal effect to the policy set out in the Ministerial Statement of 28 November 2014 whereby contributions should not be sought from developments of 10-units or less, and which have a maximum combined gross floorspace of no more than 1000sqm

DLP were also instrumental in challenging the Council’s request for a contribution towards green open space, highlighting that it did not meet the tests outlined in the Regulations. Likewise DLP also assisted to demonstrate that the social club was no longer a viable community facility and so could be replaced.

The application was recommended for approval and Members of the committee voted in favour of the recommendation, granting planning permission for the redevelopment that will efficiently utilise this brownfield site.

John HelyarPlanning permission secured on former social club site in Long Lartin, Worcestershire
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DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) in conjunction with be1 Architects Ltd have successfully secured full planning permission for a detached family home in Greenfield, Central Bedfordshire.

The application was subject to constructive early engagement regarding the principle of development through the Local Planning Authority’s formal pre-application process. However, the scheme initially encountered resistance from the Council’s Conservation and Tree Officer and an initial application was withdrawn to enable further discussions regarding the siting, scale and design of the building.

A revised scheme was subsequently re-submitted along with further detailed justification presented by DLP. This application was fully supported by Council Officers and received unanimous approval by Members at planning committee.

The 3-bedroom detached home will comprise a simple contemporary design, set back from the adjacent C17 thatched cottage, enabling the heritage asset to be the predominant feature within the street scene.

Following the granting of planning permission, the new property will enable additional funding to be secured to allow for the renovation and ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the adjacent Listed Building.

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Representations submitted to the pre-submission Derbyshire Dales Draft Location Plan

Representations were made by DLP (Planning) Ltd on behalf of a regional housebuilder to the recent consultation stage of the Pre-Submission Derbyshire Dales Draft Local Plan, promoting land in the Matlock area for residential development.

The District Council undertook a six week period of consultation, providing an opportunity for landowners, developers and the public to make formal representations about the soundness of the Plan and the extent to which it has been positively prepared in accordance with the legislative requirements.

The representations will be considered by a meeting of the Full Council towards the end of this year in order to agree a final Submission Version of the Local Plan that will be submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in 2017.

John HelyarRepresentations submitted to the pre-submission Derbyshire Dales Draft Location Plan
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