December 2016


DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) have had an appeal allowed for a householder extension in Shenley, Hertsmere (The Council).

The scheme involved a proposed side/rear extension to a property in a line of similar houses washed over by the Green Belt, where a degree of separation was retained between plots. The proportions of the proposed extension were minimal in respect to the material increase in floor space and volume of the existing property and were not deemed to be disproportionate. Nevertheless, the Council refused the application on the grounds of the loss of openness and the impact upon character, as a result to the visual impact upon the view through the carport.

DLP provided a robust statement of case establishing that the proposal was by definition appropriate development within the Green Belt, by virtue of it being proportionate to the main dwelling. Furthermore, it was argued that the Council’s reliance on the importance of the traditional rural vernacular” was out of context with the nature and scale of the development proposed and that the proposal would not be harmful in respect of the Green Belt or local character.

The Inspector in his conclusion agreed, stating “the reduction in openness would be slight; and I am not persuaded that the proposed extension would be unduly harmful to the openness of the Green Belt and its surroundings, or the character or appearance of the development”.


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DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) have secured planning and listed building consent for the residential conversion of a curtilage listed agricultural barn in Keysoe, Bedford Borough (The Council). This was a project undertaken in conjunction with Sanctuary Design Limited (Architect) who provided the detailed plans for the conversion of the building.

The scheme involved alterations to the barn and its grounds, which sits in the setting of a grade II listed farm house. This followed the design principles of a previous unimplemented approval for the conversion of the building into an ancillary office.  The works sought minor alterations to the internal layout and external appearance of the building to preserve the character and fabric of the building, where it was possible. Furthermore, the layout and surroundings of the site were designed to reflect the character of the group of farm buildings, retaining the internal courtyard between the barn and the farm house, whilst retaining land to the side and rear of the barn to provide a new private residential curtilage associated with the new dwelling.

DLP provided a robust planning argument for the merits and method of the conversion and engaged with the Council during pre-application discussions to agree to the principle of development, prior to the submission of an application. We also highlighted the benefits to the heritage asset through the renovation of the listed building, demonstrating a viable use of the asset whilst conserving the fabric of the building and the part it plays in the setting of the main listed farm house.


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Planning permission secured for dwellings in the Metropolitan Green Belt.

DLP Planning Ltd are very pleased to have secured full planning permission for our client for a development of seven new family dwellings on an undeveloped site in the Metropolitan Green Belt.

The site is located within the village of Spellbrook in East Hertfordshire to the south of Bishop’s Stortford and to the north of Sawbridgeworth.  The West Anglia Mainline lies to the east of the site and an archaeological investigation found that a former station – Spellbrook Station – may have been located nearby in the 1800s.

DLP were instructed by the owners of the site to undertake pre-application discussions for the proposal with East Hertfordshire Council and then to make a subsequent planning application, where we successfully argued that the proposed development was acceptable in planning policy terms despite its Green Belt restriction based on a number of appeal decisions and case law.  DLP led an extensive project team who undertook a full range on studies and investigations to ensure that the residential development of the site is appropriate having regard to environmental and other factors (archaeological, ecological etc).  The planning application was submitted to the Council in October, and we liaised with the Council to ensure that all matters raised by their statutory consultees were addressed expediently without the need for further technical reports to be submitted.  Planning permission was granted under delegated authority within the Council’s target determination deadline.

DLP worked closely with London-based KCA Architects and a number of other consultants to achieve this fantastic result for our client.


John HelyarPlanning permission secured for dwellings in the Metropolitan Green Belt.
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Minor Material Amendment secured in Hadley Wood, Enfield


DLP Planning Ltd is pleased to have secured full planning permission for a Minor Material Amendment to our client’s property in Hadley Wood, Enfield.  Planning permission was granted for various extensions and other works to our client’s property by the London Borough of Enfield in 2013, but for a number of reasons the works that took place were materially different to the approved plans, resulting in the built development being larger than the consented scheme.  DLP Planning prepared a detailed Design Statement which set out why the development, even though it was materially larger than that what was approved, was acceptable in design, neighbouring amenity and planning policy terms.  Whilst the Council did have some reservations regarding the revised scheme, they accepted our arguments in favour of it, conceding that it would “be difficult to resist the development” and that “in particular you [DLP] have demonstrated that there would not be an unacceptable impact on the amenities of the immediately neighbouring properties.”

Securing the Minor Material Amendment permission under Section 73 of the Town and County Planning Act 1990 ensures that the development as constructed is now lawful and immune from any possible enforcement action by the Council in relation to what has been built.

John HelyarMinor Material Amendment secured in Hadley Wood, Enfield
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Planning Permission Granted for Demolition of Buildings and Car Park in Sheffield

DLP have secured full planning permission for the demolition of three buildings at the Davy Industrial Park in Sheffield, and construction of a new car park to serve the remaining businesses at the industrial park.

The buildings to be demolished include a former medical centre and a derelict storage building. The buildings had been in disuse for some time with little prospect of a new tenant being found. DLP were instructed by the owners of the site to undertake pre-application discussions with Sheffield City Council for the proposals, which sought to secure a viable use for the land and support the remaining businesses operating from the Industrial Park by providing additional car parking for employees and visitors. The proposals included the opportunity to install a bike shelter and disabled parking spaces, as well as landscaping at the entrance to the Industrial Park.

The planning application was submitted to Sheffield City Council in October. DLP liaised with the Council  to ensure that all matters were addressed without the need for details to be required by condition. Planning permission was by delegated authority a week ahead of the Council’s target determination deadline.

John HelyarPlanning Permission Granted for Demolition of Buildings and Car Park in Sheffield
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Application Submitted for Student Hotel at Jonas Court

A full planning application has been submitted for the conversion of a halls of residence into a student hotel in Sheffield. Instructed by the University of Sheffield, DLP Planning Ltd undertook pre-application discussions with Sheffield City Council, provided a detailed statement assessing the planning balance of the proposals, and worked with a multi-disciplinary team to co-ordinate the application submission.

Jonas Court is a former halls of residence for students at the University of Sheffield but in recent years there has been a lack of demand for catered student accommodation of the type provided at Jonas Court. The limited social, leisure and communal facilities currently offered at Jonas Court have made it an unattractive option for students today and the University have therefore opted to vacate the property and pursue its redevelopment in a more viable format.

The proposal seeks to alter the existing use of the building as a student residence (sui generis) to create a new mixed student and public hotel (C1) (‘student hotel’) within the fabric of the existing building.  The proposals comprise ancillary uses to support the new function of the building as a student hotel, including a reception, leisure area, bar, lounges and study rooms. 57 en-suite rooms are proposed within the student hotel with a further 23 en-suite rooms for use by the general public. The proposals also incorporate five new parking spaces to serve the new use.

The application is currently under consideration by Sheffield City Council.


John HelyarApplication Submitted for Student Hotel at Jonas Court
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Permission Granted for Bungalow Extension in the Green Belt

DLP (Planning) Ltd are pleased to have secured planning permission for alterations to and extension of an existing stone bungalow to create first floor accommodation in a predominately rural settlement in West Yorkshire.

The application site is allocated as Green Belt and a Conservation Area in Wakefield Council’s adopted Local Plan. The existing bungalow is located close to the curtilage of a Grade II Listed building and is within a bat and badger alert zone. As stated in the Framework, the extension or alteration of a building in the Green Belt need not be inappropriate, provided it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building. DLP made the case that that the proposed extension was appropriate for its Green Belt and historic context. The potential harm to the Green Belt was outweighed by the quality of the bespoke design of the contemporary addition. The enhancement work would bring quality and character to the Conservation Area as well as appropriately consolidating the massing of the property when viewed within the context of neighbouring residential properties. The Conservation Officer agreed that the proposal would reconstruct the existing building, described as being an undistinguished dwelling, in a contemporary design and as such weight was given to the improvement the scheme would have on the character and quality of the Conservation Area.

Planning permission was granted under delegated powers enabling the extension and alterations to go ahead to this family home.


John HelyarPermission Granted for Bungalow Extension in the Green Belt
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Change of use, listed building & advertisement consent approved for health clinic

DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) have secured planning consent for the change of use of a ground floor office and first floor flat to a health clinic practice in Marlow, High Wycombe (The Council). This was a project undertaken in conjunction with be1 Architects Ltd who provided the detailed plans for the internal alterations and advertisement consent.

The scheme involved alterations to a Grade II Listed Building including the conversion of the first floor flat and ground floor office to provide a state of the art health clinic. DLP provided a robust planning argument for the justification of the loss of the residential and office use by highlighting the benefits of the introduction of a D1 community use onto the High Street. We also highlighted the benefits to the heritage asset through the renovation of the listed building including sympathetic signage, demonstrating a viable use of the asset whilst conserving the fabric of the building.

The proposal will see the re-location of an existing business providing a health and aesthetic clinic for the treatment of disease and disorder into the sustainable location of the high street where the wider community can better access its services.


John HelyarChange of use, listed building & advertisement consent approved for health clinic
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Aggregates recycling facility | Tollbar Road, Marston, Grantham, Lincolnshire

DLP Planning Ltd have successfully secured planning permission (part retrospective) for the change of use of an area of Greenfield land near Marston, Lincolnshire for the recycling of aggregates material. Approximately 50,000 tonnes per annum of excavated material which has been removed from utility groundworks carried out across the Region will be recycled on the site.

This will allow for the recovery of the materials and allow for their re-use in future projects by the client and addressing the challenges of climate change and sustainability by the efficient recycling of construction material.

The critical issues to demonstrate were the benefits of expanding and diversifying the core business through increased recycling rates, the reduction of vehicle movements whilst creating local employment growth on a Greenfield site that was not proposed as a waste allocation site in the Councils emerging Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

A Unilateral Undertaking was completed to ensure a satisfactory routing of HGV vehicles when accessing the site, alongside demonstrating there would be no adverse effect on the locality due to factors such as dust, noise, ecology, archaeology, drainage or landscape impact.

Through a pro-active, collaborative approach, the application was approved through delegated powers.

John HelyarAggregates recycling facility | Tollbar Road, Marston, Grantham, Lincolnshire
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Planning Permission secured for Millbrook “Innovation Centre” Phase II

DLP Planning Ltd are pleased to have secured a full planning permission for Millbrook Proving Ground Ltd, the UK’s leading independent vehicle test, validation and engineering service provider.

DLP worked closely with be1 Architects Ltd to prepare and submit a scheme for an ‘Innovation Centre’ for vehicle development within the proving ground, which will provide circa 700sqm of new B1 floorspace, comprising 3 offices and workshops with communal toilets and marshalling and parking areas.

The proposed ‘Innovation Centre’ is to be constructed using a modern, powder coated steel cladding, of a similar construction to others on the wider MPG site, and has been designed to accommodate the testing of large vehicles such as double decker buses.

Millbrook Proving Ground has been identified by Central Bedfordshire Council as a ‘Safeguarded Key Employment Site’ and as such is seen by the Council as a focal point for future investment.

Be1 Architects will now oversee the construction phase of the project, working alongside a number of other technical specialists to make the plans a reality. The target is to ensure the facility is completed and full operational by summer 2017.


John HelyarPlanning Permission secured for Millbrook “Innovation Centre” Phase II
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