DLP (Planning) Ltd (DLP) has secured outline planning permission for a large residential development in the village of Shireoaks, following a Public Inquiry in Bassetlaw in June 2017 on behalf of our clients, the landowners.
The proposed development at Woodend Farm includes the retention of the Farmhouse, the erection of 73 dwellings including 11 affordable homes, provision of a wildlife corridor and the construction of a new access to the site. The site will provide financial contributions to the expansion of St Luke’s School and improvements to the facilities at Shireoaks Marina.
The decision came after the Inspector agreed that the proposals constituted sustainable development and would not result in the coalescence of Shireoaks and Worksop. The provision of a 30m wide wildlife corridor, as well as the permanent physical barrier of the A57 would maintain the separation between the two settlements.
The site, which had become unused and overgrown, was considered by the Inspector to contribute to the supply of housing in the borough. It was established in the Statement of Common Ground that Bassetlaw Council could not demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing land (3.4 years). As such, in line with paragraph 49 of the Framework, the relevant policies for the supply of housing were considered by the Inspector to be out-of-date. While the Inspector found the proposal to have limited conflict with the Neighbourhood Plan, it was in accordance with all other development plan policies.
The importance of the lack of a five-year housing land supply was significant in tipping the balance in favour of the scheme and was considered to outweigh any adverse impacts when assessed against the policies of the Framework as a whole.