DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) have secured outline planning permission for the erection of 9 new apartments in St George, Bristol. Working with Wotton Donoghue Architects, on behalf of Sampson Developments Limited, the proposal will see the erection of a high quality three storey residential block on underutilised land adjacent to Argyle Morley United Reformed Church.
One of the key considerations that needed to be addressed during the planning process was the location of the vehicular access, due to the site’s proximity to existing road junctions and two pedestrian refuge islands. It was also important that the building was set back in order to preserve the outlook from the neighbouring Church’s north-east facing windows.
The application was decided by the Council under delegated powers. DLP have been retained by the applicant to submit a full planning application for a larger 10 dwelling scheme.
Image credited to Wotton Donoghue Architects