September 2020

BE5445 – Woodend Rd Cranfield

DLP Planning Ltd have successfully achieved full planning permission for a bespoke new dwelling at Cranfield in Central Bedfordshire.  The site is located outside of the defined settlement boundary. However, it is well related to the main built-up area and is within close proximity to existing services and facilities. As such, the site presents as being part of the settlement of Cranfield.

The Council accepted the case presented by DLP and in particular that the settlement envelope policies are out of date and as such do not attract full weight. Furthermore, the scheme is a sustainable form of development that will provide social, economic, and environmental benefits and this weighed in favour of granting planning permission. As such, it was concluded that any potential limited harm, by virtue of being outside the settlement boundary, was outweighed by the benefits of the scheme.

The dwelling has been designed to a high standard and to meet the needs and requirements of the client and in keeping with the local area. The materials proposed are fundamental to the design approach and the sustainable ethos of the build method, which promotes high levels of sustainability.

This planning permission is great news for our clients who are excited to start building their new home.

Annotation 2020-08-17 111739

John HelyarBE5445 – Woodend Rd Cranfield
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