DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) in conjunction with be1 Architects Ltd have today secured, upon appeal, outline planning consent for 24 dwellings in Flitton, Central Bedfordshire (The Council). In addition to the provision of much needed market homes the scheme will deliver policy compliant affordable housing (including several bungalows), as well as open space and a sustainable urban drainage system.
The original application, made in October 2015, was refused by the Council in January on four grounds relating to the impact on the character of the settlement, the impact of the neighbouring smoke house on the amenity of the proposed homes, drainage and the lack of a legal agreement.
In considering the appeal, which was dealt with by written representations, the Inspector concluded that the development would constitute sustainable development, and in the absence of Central Bedfordshire being unable to demonstrate a deliverable five-year land supply, should be allowed accordingly.
The Inspector felt that the low-density development would be appropriate in scale and design to its setting, demonstrating how the homes could be laid out to fit with the character of the area.
In coming to a view on the impact of the noise, smoke and odour from the neighbouring smoke house, the Inspector concluded that any impact was localised to the smoke house and did not extend into the appeal site. The Inspector also concluded that the information submitted in respect to flood risk and drainage was sufficient to support the determination of an outline planning application.
In allowing the appeal, the Inspector analysed the land supply case put forward by DLP and concluded that Central Bedfordshire’s supply should be reduced by at least 285 homes, with further sites in the Council’s land supply brought into question.
In conclusion the Inspector felt the proposal met the social, environmental and economic aspects of sustainable development and that any negative impacts of the proposal would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the polices in the national Planning Policy Framework.
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