
Former Methodist Chapel Conversion Approved

DLP has assisted Cornerstone Property Investments to obtain full planning permission for the change of use of the former Methodist Church in Bristol for six 1-bed flats.

The former chapel, a locally valued heritage building, had been vacant for two years and was falling into disrepair. DLP worked with GSH Architects and Armour Heritage to present full evidence of how the historic elements of the building would be retained and enhanced.

Key elements were negotiated with the LPA including new doors in the least publicly visible elevations and windows to increase natural daylight for each of the new flats, creating a sympathetic conversion.

The application was considered by Members because of its departure from highways standards, and a Transport Assessment by SDD made the case that the building could, alternatively, be converted to alternative traffic/parking-heavy uses such as a children’s nursery, under permitted development rights. The proposed residential conversion was seen to be more sustainable in this respect

DLP presented arguments at Committee on the need to bring the building back into use, adding to the local mix of housing in a sustainable location. The Members agreed, voting to approve. The building will now be fully refurbished and converted, bringing this attractive building back into use.

John HelyarFormer Methodist Chapel Conversion Approved
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Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 – Examination Hearing Sessions

The Examination in Public (EiP) Hearing Sessions for the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 are due to begin on 29th May at 9:30 with Hearing Sessions running until 26th June. The Hearing Sessions will cover 13 matters ranging from legal compliance, housing requirements and the spatial strategy, through to individual allocations and policies of the plan guided by the Government appointed Inspectors Malcolm Rivett and Anne Jordan.

DLP will be present across these Hearing Sessions having responded to a number of consultations over the course of the Plan’s development, which started back in 2014/15. DLP continues to raise concerns over a range of different aspects of the plan including the level of housing which the Council aims to deliver, which DLP consider both falls short of a full assessment of housing need and relies on a number of sites with question marks over their delivery.

DLP will also be challenging the Council’s late decision to shorten the timespan of the new Plan to 2030 whilst also deferring all site specific allocations outside the urban area to future Neighbourhood Plans for allocation. This approach provides little certainty of sites coming forward and will delay the delivery of much needed market and affordable housing in the short-medium term, particularly in rural areas.

Once adopted, the plan will form be the key policy document against which Planning applications in the future will be determined, so DLP will be seeking to ensure that it has been prepared in the correct manner and in accordance with national policy and guidance.

John HelyarBedford Borough Local Plan 2030 – Examination Hearing Sessions
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DLP (Planning) Ltd (DLP) have secured planning permission on appeal for the replacement of an existing two bay timber garage with a new three bay steel and masonry garage, in Sutton-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire. The development was needed to house an antique steam roller and traction wagon, the steam roller being only one of two in existence.

DLP were engaged by the landowner following the refusal of planning permission by Newark and Sherwood District Council. The Council refused the development based on the alleged detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the area.

DLP submitted and managed the appeal, providing a robust Statement of Case demonstrating that the proposal was appropriate by virtue of it being proportionate to a specific domestic need and that it would not be overly dominant in comparison to the main dwelling house.  Furthermore it was demonstrated that the proposed materials, roof pitch and doors were appropriate in the context of the site.

The Inspector in his conclusion agreed, stating “the proposed development is well designed, in compliance with the SPD guidance in relation to garages and outbuildings, and would complement the character and appearance of the house and area.” The appeal was allowed and planning permission was granted conditionally for the development.

Stud farm house

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Prior Approval not required for 31 apartment office-to-resi scheme in Shipley

DLP Planning Ltd have secured permission for a change of use from offices (B1) to residential (C3) at Merchants House, Shipley without the need for a planning application. Prior approval was sought from City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council that the proposals were eligible for permitted development rights under the General Permitted Development Order.

The property comprises a vacant 5 storey office building located on the northern side of Leeds Road, less than 1km east of Shipley Town Centre. It is also within a Conservation Area and a World Heritage Site Buffer Zone, but the building itself is not subject to any Listing. The application included an assessment of the impact of the 31 apartment scheme on a number of matters, including transport & highways, land contamination, flood risk and impact of noise from commercial premises.  Evidence to the former office use of the property was also provided to demonstrate that Merchants House was eligible for conversion.

The scheme will deliver much needed residential accommodation close to Shipley town centre where future occupiers will have access to a variety of shops, services and public transport infrastructure.

John HelyarPrior Approval not required for 31 apartment office-to-resi scheme in Shipley
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Permission granted for four Houses in Multiple Occupation on the edge of Wakefield town centre

DLP Planning Ltd have successfully secured full planning permission for the change of use of the upper floors of a former retail workshop to residential accommodation at Thornhill Street/Charlotte Street, Wakefield.

The proposals will provide four apartments in HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) use, retaining the ground floor as retail units. Minor external alterations are proposed to one of the former shop frontages at the Charlotte Street to provide a fire escape staircase to the flats above.

Part of the site, which comprises two adjoining buildings, is listed as a Building of Local Interest and the scheme underwent a number of alterations to ensure that the heritage of the building was protected. Amendments were also made to address comments received from local residents and businesses to ensure that matters including privacy and overlooking were suitably addressed in the layout of the proposals.

The application was recommended for approval by the Planning Officer to Wakefield Metropolitan Borough Council Planning Committee. Committee Members agreed that the application proposals presented a scheme which would ensure suitable residential amenity to future residents and there would be no adverse impacts to neighbouring residential properties or businesses from the development and planning permission was granted.

16.01.17 Thornhill Street Wakefield

John HelyarPermission granted for four Houses in Multiple Occupation on the edge of Wakefield town centre
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Consent secured for re-design of entrance to Grade II Listed Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Sheffield

DLP Planning Ltd have secured listed building consent for the re-design of the entrance and reception area of the Sir Frederick Mappin Building, a Grade II Listed building in Sheffield city centre.

The Mappin Building was built in three phases and dates back to 1902 designed in a Baroque Revival Style. Now housing the Faculty of Engineering in the St. Georges Campus of the University of Sheffield, ongoing works are required to update and refurbish the premises in order to be suitable for continued future use by the University.

As part of these works, a detailed reconfiguration of the entrance way has been proposed and now approved by Sheffield City Council. These alterations were sought in order to improve accessibility and movability arrangements, as well as to give an enhanced reception and arrival space for visitors and users of the building. The works include the re-hanging of the original timber entrance doors to open outwards with hinges relocated to the outer edges of the structural opening as well as the addition of a post mounted push button for disabled access. The alterations were designed to re-use existing materials and preserve the building’s character and appearance as much as possible, while facilitating changes to more modern additions to staff areas.

Sheffield City Council agreed with the case made by DLP that the proposals would not harm the architectural or historic interest of the Grade II Listed Mappin Building.

16.01.17 Mappin Building

John HelyarConsent secured for re-design of entrance to Grade II Listed Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Sheffield
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Permission secured for new bar in Leopold Square, Sheffield

DLP Planning Ltd have secured planning consent for a new bar in Leopold Square, Sheffield. The application sought a change of use from a restaurant (A3 Class Use) to a bar (A4 Use Class).

As the bar would have longer opening hours than the unit’s previous use, the application successfully demonstrated that any noise arising from the extended opening hours would not harmfully impact on the residential amenity of nearby apartments or the hotel which shared the courtyard area of the square. This was addressed through the inclusion of sound attenuation measure such as an acoustic lobby. Permission was granted under delegated powers.

16.01.17 Leopold Sq bar

John HelyarPermission secured for new bar in Leopold Square, Sheffield
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Daventry Canal Extension

DLP (Planning) Ltd worked successfully in partnership with Pick Everard, who were instructed by Daventry District Council to review, update and submit a revised application for a 2.6km canal extension connecting Daventry Town Centre to the Grand Union Canal.

The application will create a new canal arm from the town at Northern Way, through predominantly open countryside, to the Grand Union Canal to the south east of the town. The application also included a mooring basin, three bridges and six locks.

As part of the project team DLP (Planning) Ltd engaged in regular meetings with the Council to advise on many aspects of the project, including bridge design, ecology requirements and what information would be necessary for the updated application.

The original application was submitted in 2011 but had stalled in the planning process. DLP (Planning) Ltd were instructed to produce a Planning Statement, Design and Access Statement and to review and update the Environment Statement including the submission of Addendums for the Heritage and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Chapters.

The application was approved at Planning Committee on the 11th January 2017 subject to conditions.

The new canal will deliver significant economic, social and environmental benefits to Daventry and the wider area.

Daventry Canal Extension.docx

John HelyarDaventry Canal Extension
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DLP Planning Ltd have secured planning permission for the erection of three new detached dwellings in Longwell Green on the eastern fringe of Bristol.

Working on behalf of Sampson Homes Ltd, this project involves the demolition of an existing property in order to facilitate the construction of three four-bed detached houses. This was a revised proposal which sought to address the Council’s original concerns in relation to access, parking and potential issues of over development.

DLP worked closely with Matrix Transportation and Infrastructure Consultants and Bristol-based We Are Not Architects on the project. Through a pro-active approach, incorporating minor amendments to the scheme, the application was granted permission under South Gloucestershire Council’s delegated powers on the 29th December 2016.

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Image accredited to We are Not Architects

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DLP Planning Ltd have secured full planning permission for the extension and conversion of a former Victorian brewery building, and the erection of a new build block in the yard adjacent to the existing building, to provide a total of 10 flats in Watford.

The site, which had most recently been in commercial use including plant retail, is located in the Nascot Conservation Area, close to Watford Junction Station and approximately 1km from Watford Town Centre.

DLP, acting on behalf of Cassiobury Developments Ltd, worked closely with Planning and Conservation Officers to arrive at a scheme (designed by be-1 Architects) that was acceptable in planning and design terms; as well as in respect of residential amenity – the site’s location adjacent to the West Coast Mainline and with flats at lower ground floor requiring technical noise and daylight / sunlight justification.

Given the site’s sustainable location, ‘car free’ development was successfully promoted.

Officers recommended the scheme for approval, and Members of Watford’s Development Management Committee voted unanimously to grant planning permission, praising both the scheme, and the positive and proactive working between DLP and be-1, and Council Officers.


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