DLP Planning Ltd is pleased to secure permission for a change of use and new signage for a client based in the Conservation Area and Castle Lane Cultural Quarter of Bedford Town Centre. The change of use will support the growth and relocation of their web design consultancy.
The application, which under normal circumstances would qualify as permitted development, was necessary as a previous consent on the site restricted any further uses on the site to A1 (retail) uses. In addition, Bedford Borough Council’s planning policies strictly control development in the Conservation Area in order to retain the character and appearance of the individual shops and overall area, including signage.
Through a detailed planning analysis and Design and Access Statement, DLP was able to demonstrate that the change of use would have no detrimental effect on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area as it proposed only minor modifications to the existing fascia and no changes to the overall scale, layout or access. The proposed new unit frontage included sympathetically designed signage that took its design cues based on neighbouring businesses. Furthermore, the new business would help to achieve the aim of the Conservation Area in providing an “eclectic mix of uses including residential, specialist shops, creative enterprises and restaurants”.
The Borough Council accepted the planning and design arguments promoted through the Planning, Design and Access Statement, and granted planning permission for the change of use and advertisement consent.
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