
Conditional approval granted for 20 dwellings in outline in Chesterfield

DLP Planning Ltd has secured outline planning permission at Committee for a residential development of 20 dwellings on land at Mastin Moor, Chesterfield, Derbyshire.

The application site measures approximately 0.68ha and site lies within the open countryside area.  The surrounding area to the east is mainly residential in character with a small row of cottages fronting the southern boundary of the application site alongside the highway from which access would be provided. The site is greenfield, vacant and overgrown.

A number of elements had to be taken into account through the evolution of the indicative development proposals. Heritage assets on site included a former canal cutting, while there was also a Grade II Listed building to the south. The site is within 800m of a local nature reserve and as such ecological surveys were required as well as a future commitment to biodiversity and landscaping management to be submitted as part of the reserved matters application. The relationship with a public footpath along the western boundary of the site was also given careful consideration, as was the provision of vehicular access to the site which is not presently available. Though discussions with the Highways Authority at County level, it was negotiated to provide an access to give appropriate visibility splays and relocate a bus stop to enable ingress and egress to the site from an appropriate location along the highway frontage.

Officers recommended that the proposed development was able to demonstrate with the objectives of sustainable development. Where necessary it was agreed that any outstanding issues could be mitigated and addressed in any subsequent reserved matters submission or any appropriate planning conditions being imposed. Although the proposal was deemed to be contrary to the provisions of the Local Plan in so far as the application site is situated on land allocated as open countryside, the inability of the Council to demonstrate a five year housing land supply meant that paragraph 49 of the National Planning Policy Framework was triggered, rendering those policy objections against housing development on unallocated greenfield sites, out of date.

Committee Members resolved to conditionally grant outline planning permission with all matters reserved (apart from access) on 8th August 2016, subject to a S106 Agreement securing up to 30% affordable housing provision, public art and securing an external management company to maintain on site green space and SuDS. The development will also be liable for a CIL contribution.


John HelyarConditional approval granted for 20 dwellings in outline in Chesterfield

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