
Conditional approval granted for Hull residential development

DLP Planning Ltd has secured full planning permission at Committee for a residential development of 162 dwellings on land at Southcoates Lane, Hull.

The site is located off Southcoates Lane, approximately 3.4km north-east of Hull City Centre. The 4.74 ha site was formerly an employment site which prior to its demolition was owned by Greif. Although still identified as an employment site in the Hull City Plan 2000, the more recent Holderness Road Corridor Area Action Plan 2011 identifies both the application sites, and the St John’s Business Park located to the north of the site, as residential development sites.

The application sought permission for a residential development comprising of 162 dwellings, with associated open space provision (11% of the total site area). The scheme will provide a mix of house types and tenures, with 22% of the total number of units designated as affordable units.  The scheme will provide a mix of two and three bed house types. Working with architects JTP Architects, a scheme was designed to provide a high quality development, meeting an identified housing need in the city.

Committee Members resolved to conditionally grant planning permission on 6th July 2016, subject to the agreement of outstanding drainage design details by the Planning Manager.

Southcoates Lane

John HelyarConditional approval granted for Hull residential development

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