DLP Pre-application Planning Advice Service

Many local planning authorities (LPA’s) have temporarily suspended their pre-application advice service due to high workloads and resourcing issues. DLP can offer professional independent planning advice on a potential development project before an application is submitted.

We are pleased to be able to offer this service in the following local planning authority areas:

  • Huntingdonshire District Council
  • East Staffordshire Council
  • Rushcliffe Borough Council

The above list will be kept under review and LPA’s will be added or removed to reflect the latest status of their pre-application service.

DLP have a lot of experience working in these areas and are well placed to provide planning advice on a range of projects. This can help save time and costs later down the line, by providing a good indication on the prospects of a scheme and constraints and opportunities prior to submitting a formal planning application to the Council.

This service will provide advice on relevant planning policy, validation requirements, opportunities and constraints and the likely prospects of a proposal.

Please note: Any advice provided by DLP is independent professional advice and there is no affiliation with the Council. The advice provided is without prejudice to any decision the local planning authority may make on a future planning application and is not binding on the local planning authority.

Please contact enquiries@dlpconsultants.co.uk to find out more.

John HelyarDLP Pre-application Planning Advice Service