In November 2016, Bassetlaw District Council refused planning permission for a residential development of 73 dwellings in Shireoaks, Worksop. DLP (Planning) Ltd (DLP) lodged an appeal against the refusal of the decision and in June 2017, all evidence was heard at a Public Inquiry at the Council’s offices.
The Strategic Planning & Research Unit (SPRU) of DLP assisted the landowner in providing expert planning evidence at the Inquiry and oversaw the project management of the appeal.
At the Inquiry, the Council defended a single reason for refusal which sought to maintain the distinctive character of Shireoaks by ensuring the village remains physically separate from the urban area of Worksop, and in doing so be consistent with the Shireoaks Neighbourhood Plan. SPRU argued the appeal was fully policy compliant, in that it met the requirements of the policy criteria through the provision of high quality landscaping. This included a 30m wide wildlife corridor along the eastern boundary of the site to maintain a visual separation between the A57 and the village of Shireoaks. It was also argued that the lack of a five year housing land supply tilted the policy balance in favour of, what was agreed by both parties, to be a sustainable location.
The appeal is now being considered by the Inspector and is due to be determined in the coming weeks.