
Enforcement Action Avoided following Granting of Retrospective Planning Permission

DLP Planning (Ltd) has secured retrospective planning permission for ground excavations for the formation of pond on agricultural land in Harrold, Bedford.

This was a project undertaken in conjunction with be1 Architects Ltd, Aspect Ecology and EPS Ltd, who undertook the detailed plans, water and habitat surveys.  

Our client came to us following an enforcement case being opened to investigate the excavation. DLP undertook negotiations with the Local Planning Authority and quickly established the works as an engineering operation, ruling out any minerals and waste requirements.

Following initial discussions DLP undertook a full retrospective application to regularise the existing works setting out proposals for the works to be completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. During the application a number of issues were raised regarding the presence of Great Crested Newts (GCN) and the limitations on any disturbance to the existing water courses including the use of spoil from offsite.

As a consequence DLP engineered a solution to use further excavated spoil from the site only, to re-grade and shape the pond to ensure it met the requirements for protected species including enhancements to the surrounding landscaping to improve its setting. This also involved the retention of previous excavated spoil, which will be landscaped to provide GCN habitat.

This permission is great news for our client who can now complete the works free from any enforcement action, within the permitted seasonal window to provide a secondary pond to complement the larger existing water body; thus enhancing the setting and biodiversity value of his land.


John HelyarEnforcement Action Avoided following Granting of Retrospective Planning Permission