
Land Rear of Bedford Road, Houghton Conquest

DLP Planning Ltd has secured a resolution to grant outline planning permission for circa 52 dwellings, subject to a S.106 legal Agreement. The scheme includes policy compliant affordable housing and age restricted bungalows, on the edge of Houghton Conquest Bedfordshire.

The application was submitted following pre-application discussions with the Council and community engagement with the Parish Council and Ward Member. The proposal represents a low density scheme, at approximately 20 dwellings per hectare, and would provide a spacious layout with generous gardens, on-plot parking, sustainable urban drainage and an area of public play.

The site lies adjacent to the development boundary of Houghton Conquest and is adjoined by existing development on three sides, such that the proposal effectively infills an existing gap. Houghton Conquest is a large village offering a range of services and facilities to local residents, but is also serviced by the wider catchment of the Wixams development.

DLP, working with be1 Architects, Aspect Landscape Planning and Matrix Transport & Infrastructure Consultants, successfully demonstrated that the proposal would make a positive contribution to the housing need in the area and that there are clear benefits to the scheme that would outweigh any harm. This includes structural landscaping that provides a softer edge to the village and more defensible boundary with the countryside beyond and enhanced traffic calming works, upon the Bedford Road.

The Planning Authority agreed that in light of the presumption in favour of sustainable development, the development proposal represents a suitable location for new development, which in the absence of any constraints to development is achievable, and the benefits of the scheme far outweigh the impact of the development.


John HelyarLand Rear of Bedford Road, Houghton Conquest

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