
New Ambulance Station at Elton Way, Watford

DLP Planning Ltd, working with our Sustainable Development and Delivery Team (SDD), have secured full planning permission on behalf of our client, for the change of use from an existing commercial yard to an ambulance station at Elton Way, Watford.

The proposal will provide new premises for a private ambulance service working with the NHS and private patients to provide transportation services to transport patients to hospital appointments. The site comprised previously developed land in the Green Belt and comprised a gravelled yard with an existing office building and parking area. DLP worked proactively with the Council to ensure that the proposal would be acceptable and would not have a detrimental impact on the Green Belt.

The Council agreed with the case put forward by DLP that as there would be no additional built form, the proposal would not be harmful to the Green Belt. Furthermore, the Council recognised the economic benefits created by employment, and also the wider community benefits that would be provided by this healthcare service. Overall, it was found that the proposal would not cause harm to visual amenity, residential amenity, car parking, traffic or Land contamination.

The Council considered that the proposed ambulance station would be beneficial to the area as it would provide healthcare services to the wider area, and as such would constitute a key community facility.

This is a great result for our client. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.

John HelyarNew Ambulance Station at Elton Way, Watford