
Permission Granted for Bungalow Extension in the Green Belt

DLP (Planning) Ltd are pleased to have secured planning permission for alterations to and extension of an existing stone bungalow to create first floor accommodation in a predominately rural settlement in West Yorkshire.

The application site is allocated as Green Belt and a Conservation Area in Wakefield Council’s adopted Local Plan. The existing bungalow is located close to the curtilage of a Grade II Listed building and is within a bat and badger alert zone. As stated in the Framework, the extension or alteration of a building in the Green Belt need not be inappropriate, provided it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building. DLP made the case that that the proposed extension was appropriate for its Green Belt and historic context. The potential harm to the Green Belt was outweighed by the quality of the bespoke design of the contemporary addition. The enhancement work would bring quality and character to the Conservation Area as well as appropriately consolidating the massing of the property when viewed within the context of neighbouring residential properties. The Conservation Officer agreed that the proposal would reconstruct the existing building, described as being an undistinguished dwelling, in a contemporary design and as such weight was given to the improvement the scheme would have on the character and quality of the Conservation Area.

Planning permission was granted under delegated powers enabling the extension and alterations to go ahead to this family home.


John HelyarPermission Granted for Bungalow Extension in the Green Belt

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