
Permission granted for four Houses in Multiple Occupation on the edge of Wakefield town centre

DLP Planning Ltd have successfully secured full planning permission for the change of use of the upper floors of a former retail workshop to residential accommodation at Thornhill Street/Charlotte Street, Wakefield.

The proposals will provide four apartments in HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) use, retaining the ground floor as retail units. Minor external alterations are proposed to one of the former shop frontages at the Charlotte Street to provide a fire escape staircase to the flats above.

Part of the site, which comprises two adjoining buildings, is listed as a Building of Local Interest and the scheme underwent a number of alterations to ensure that the heritage of the building was protected. Amendments were also made to address comments received from local residents and businesses to ensure that matters including privacy and overlooking were suitably addressed in the layout of the proposals.

The application was recommended for approval by the Planning Officer to Wakefield Metropolitan Borough Council Planning Committee. Committee Members agreed that the application proposals presented a scheme which would ensure suitable residential amenity to future residents and there would be no adverse impacts to neighbouring residential properties or businesses from the development and planning permission was granted.

16.01.17 Thornhill Street Wakefield

John HelyarPermission granted for four Houses in Multiple Occupation on the edge of Wakefield town centre

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