
Permission Secured for Conversion of Former Night Club to 9 Dwellings in Nailsea

DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) has secured full planning permission for the conversion of a former night club to 9 flats in Nailsea, North Somerset.

The application site is located in Nailsea Town Centre and features a shopping arcade at ground floor level with a disused night club premises and part of a vacant veterinary practice at first floor level. The proposal will involve the conversion of the existing first floor and the addition of a second floor to accommodate 6 no. 1 bed flats and 3 no. 2 bed flats. The application also looks to reintroduce an A1 retail unit to the High street (previously part of the veterinary practice), also offering the opportunity to improve the vitality of this local centre.

DLP worked closely with GSH Architects to create an attractive scheme, which brings a large vacant unit back into use and looks to achieve the sites full potential whilst enhancing the Town centre. GSH’s designs utilise the existing redundant roof space by slightly increasing the building height and incorporating the second storey within a new mansard roof with feature dormer type windows. North Somerset Council were happy with the designs submitted and did not require any changes to be made to the scheme.

DLP were also successful in making the case that a car-free development was suitable due to the site’s sustainable Town Centre location and the existence of an unmetered car park to the rear.

This windfall site will make a modest contribution towards the Council’s housing target and future 5 year housing supply.

Image courtesy of GSH Architects

John HelyarPermission Secured for Conversion of Former Night Club to 9 Dwellings in Nailsea