DLP Planning Ltd has secured prior approval for a proposed change of use of the offices at 5 Soundwell Road, Staple Hill into 3 apartments.
An application for prior approval was submitted to South Gloucestershire Council under Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2015 (as amended) to ensure that the proposed change of use from B1(a) to C3 was indeed permitted development.
DLP researched and provided evidence to demonstrate that 5 Soundwell Road, although vacant at the time of the application, was within B1(a) use up to and on the 29th May 2013, as required by the legislation. The submissions also demonstrated that in respect of transport, highways, land contamination, flood risk and impact of noise from commercial premises, a reasonable residential environment could be provided within the proposed accommodation.
The property is situated within the East Fringe of Bristol urban area and adjacent to Staple Hill High Street, as such future occupiers will have good access to a variety of shops, services and public transport infrastructure.