
Planning Permission for Extension and Detached Garage/Annex within Upper Dean Conservation Area

In March 2016, and following on from obtaining the grant of consent for two large detached dwellings on the garden land to Old Pond House, DLP Planning Ltd secured planning permission for a contemporary extension to a Victorian property along with a detached garage and integral annex within the Upper Dean Conservation Area.

The site lies on the edge of the defined settlement boundary of Upper Dean, and within the Upper Dean Conservation Area. The existing dwelling is a brick built Victorian property set within a substantial plot and with dense vegetation cover to the boundaries and near to a Grade I listed church to the north of the site.

DLP, working with be1 Architects, successfully demonstrated that the proposed extension, whilst modern in appearance, would embrace the existing architectural features on the main house by providing large glazed windows to allow views through the existing façade. The design of the extension also enabled the existing historic well to become a central feature within the main house.

The detached garage and annex was designed to be subservient to the main house and have the appearance of a traditional outbuilding. This would replace an existing garage that is in poor condition and does not make a positive contribution to the main house or Conservation Area.

The Planning Authority agreed that the proposed extension and detached garage/annex would not be harmful to the historic architectural features of the main house or the character and appearance of the wider Conservation Area.

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John HelyarPlanning Permission for Extension and Detached Garage/Annex within Upper Dean Conservation Area

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