
Planning Permission Received for Gas Power Electricity Generator

Following the motion made by Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Committee on the 4th October 2017 to approve development of a gas powered electricity generator and related infrastructure on land at Worset Lane subject to conditions and a S106 agreement, DLP Planning Limited have now received planning permission following completion of the S106 Agreement for Clearstone Energy.

The development proposals are for a purpose built structure containing 11 gas engine generation sets that will generate approximately 49.5MW. The development evolved to visually suit an agricultural setting with robust landscaping which would be provided and maintained through a S106 agreement.

The approval fully reflects that planning is embedded within our transition to a low carbon economy. In the face of climate change, greater energy security and fuel poverty, technology needs to be framed as a strategic, long term investment where practical solutions can be made in the interim. Gas powered electricity generators in suitable locations are an important part of this transition. The development will support existing infrastructure with an energy source which can add capacity and tolerance to the network at times of spikes in use or drop in renewable resources.

John HelyarPlanning Permission Received for Gas Power Electricity Generator