
Planning permission secured for a change of use and advertisement consent in Radlett

DLP Planning Ltd have successfully secured planning permission for the change of use of a unit at Battlers Green Farm, Radlett, from retail (Class A1) to a veterinary practice (Class D1). Planning permission was also secured for the signage required for the practice.

The proposal will see the re-use of a vacant building within the Green Belt and will support the expansion of an existing practice, Fernside Veterinary Clinic, based in Borehamwood.

The site provided a number of constraints, including its location outside of the settlement boundary of Radlett, which is also within the Green Belt, and the fact that there are three Grade II heritage assets on site.

Working with BE1 Architects, the scheme was sensitively designed to ensure that the setting and the significance of the Grade II buildings would not be affected. A heritage statement was submitted to Hertsmere Borough Council to demonstrate the acceptability of the scheme and that there would be no harm to the historic interest of the assets.

The Council agreed with the evidence provided, which demonstrated that, in accordance with Paragraph 146 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018, the scheme would not constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt. The development would re-use an existing building, there were no extensions or increase in built form and there would be no detrimental impact on the openness of the Green Belt.

The scheme did not receive any technical objections and was approved by delegated powers.

John HelyarPlanning permission secured for a change of use and advertisement consent in Radlett