
Planning permission secured on former social club site in Long Lartin, Worcestershire

DLP (Planning) Ltd have assisted a regional housebuilder to secure planning permission for 9 dwellinghouses on the site of a former social club in Long Lartin, Worcestershire.

DLP provided the Planning Statement to support the application and successfully demonstrated that the Applicant was not required to provide affordable housing on site or by means of a financial contribution. This follows the Court of Appeal decision in May 2016, which gives legal effect to the policy set out in the Ministerial Statement of 28 November 2014 whereby contributions should not be sought from developments of 10-units or less, and which have a maximum combined gross floorspace of no more than 1000sqm

DLP were also instrumental in challenging the Council’s request for a contribution towards green open space, highlighting that it did not meet the tests outlined in the Regulations. Likewise DLP also assisted to demonstrate that the social club was no longer a viable community facility and so could be replaced.

The application was recommended for approval and Members of the committee voted in favour of the recommendation, granting planning permission for the redevelopment that will efficiently utilise this brownfield site.

John HelyarPlanning permission secured on former social club site in Long Lartin, Worcestershire

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