We are pleased to have obtained permission on several schemes in Bristol for several clients. Acting on behalf of a small local developer, prior approval was granted for the conversion of a retail unit in Bristol to create two ground floor flats. The application site is very sustainably located, requiring no off-street parking provision and informed by other successful applications DLP worked with the Local Planning Authority to agree no intrusive contamination investigation would be required at the site as its conversion required only internal conversion works.
DLP Planning also successfully supported the approval of additional solar panels on the front elevation of a house in a Conservation Area with the support of Robin Designs, Armour Heritage, Ecocetera and the local Ward Member. This followed an earlier scheme proposing a higher number of panels, to which the local conservation officer raised concerns on the grounds of the impact on the character of the Conservation Area. Drawing officer’s attention to the reduced number of panels, and a number of precedents installed without the benefit of planning permission in the surrounding area on buildings with more prominence in the street scene, the scheme was approved by delegated powers, deciding that the installation would have no harm on the Conservation Area. The client is delighted, as this scheme will allow significant improvements in the energy efficiency and carbon emissions from this private home, supporting Bristol’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
A third scheme secured the approval of a replacement equestrian barn in the Green Belt within the setting of a Grade II Listed farmhouse, following an earlier refused application for a larger barn. While the approved scheme would enlarge the barn by 40% this would be shorter in length and with internal mezzanine storage allowing the consolidation of a number of timber sheds on site and therefore minimising the impact of the barn on the openness of the Green Belt. Officers were persuaded to grant approval by delegated powers under NPPF Green Belt exception policy, agreeing with DLP Planning’s evidence that the existing provision had become unfit for purpose, and a target for theft.
We are very pleased to have been able to assist our clients in and around Bristol to deliver these developments.