DLP Planning Ltd (DLP) in conjunction with Ivan Clarke and John Barrett Architects has successfully secured planning permission for six family homes in the village of Shenley, Hertfordshire.
The site is located within the Green Belt and the Shenley Conservation Area and this raised a number of sensitive design and heritage considerations. DLP were successful in discussing and overcoming these considerations with Council Officers.
DLP undertook early pre-application discussions with the local planning authority regarding the principle of the development in the Green Belt and the impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
The scheme evolved through a number of design iterations starting with a courtyard design and subsequently resulting in a linear form to reflect the pattern of development in the vicinity of the site.
The scheme as submitted provided a number of benefits including boosting the supply of housing in a rural village, enhancing the existing landscaping across the site, and improving the appearance of this part of the village.
The application was fully supported by Council Officers and received approval by Members at planning committee.