DLP Planning Ltd., on behalf of GPS Estates Ltd., has submitted an outline application to Buckinghamshire Council to redevelop the abandoned former Aylesbury FC ground for the development of a new sustainable, residential neighbourhood, including public open space, riverside greenspace and landscape improvements.
A key feature of the development, as master-planned by BE1 Architects is the proposed land raising, removing the area to be developed for housing from the floodplain and incorporating sustainable drainage features that will ensure flood risk is not increased off-site.
Adopting the vision of the draft Aylesbury Garden Town Masterplan, the proposal includes around half of the site as new public open space, with a new walkway planned to improve community access to this section of the River Thame. The proposals embrace the site’s riverside location, retaining and enhancing this green corridor with native planting, protection of the many mature trees, and new bird and bat boxes to facilitate biodiversity net gains across the site.
While not a formal consideration at this stage, the proposal has been designed around delivering a mix of house sizes and types, including new affordable homes, in a walkable neighbourhood design. Soft landscaping features and a new pond incorporated as part of the drainage strategy will blend the development into the site and surrounding area and create interesting features around the site for residents and visitors alike.
The application is due for determination in late December 2020.