Caddington Retirement Village, Bedfordshire

DLP, working with BE1 Architects Ltd, have secured a resolution to grant planning permission for the development of an integrated Retirement Village of up to 200 residential units (Class C2) with ancillary leisure, community and service space, gardens and greenspace areas.

The scheme was promoted by Emsrayne Limited and will be built and operated by the specialist retirement living developer/operators, Inspired Villages Group (IVG), who are backed by Legal and General Assurance.

The land lies within the Green Belt and lies adjacent to the Chilterns AONB. Discussions with the Local Planning Authority took place over two years and the proposal was supported by a detailed assessment of local need prepared by DLP’s SPRU team.

Although Officers of the LPA recommended refusal, Members (including relevant portfolio holders) accepted that there were very special circumstances demonstrated and resolved to grant planning permission subject to a legal agreement.

Because the development was also a departure from the development plan, the matter was also referred to the Secretary of State, who declined to call in the application allowing it to proceed.

The scheme is presently being detailed up, and it is expected that a commencement will be made towards the middle/end of 2020. When built, the scheme will provide a range of benefits for both its residents and the existing community and will:

  • Include a range of wellness and exercise facilities including a swimming pool and sauna which will be available to residents over the age of 60, on a membership basis;
  • Provide an onsite restaurant and bar which will also be available to residents including private dining areas, available to all age groups;
  • Incorporate an onsite hairdresser/beauty therapy salon;
  • Work with local GP’s and the Health Trust to provide both on site care and ‘sponsored facilities for non-residents’ if required, relieving pressure on the local doctor’s surgery;
  • Create up to 70 full time or full-time equivalent roles;
  • Enhance links to the village by improving the existing public right of way and,
  • Make various improvements to the local highway network.

In parallel with the care village development, DLP Planning also secured a further resolution to allow development of a rural exception, affordable housing scheme, also on Green Belt land in Caddington, comprising 19 dwellings.

John HelyarCaddington Retirement Village, Bedfordshire