Worset Lane

DLP Planning Limited has secured planning permission on behalf of Clearstone Energy, for a gas-powered electricity generator and related infrastructure on land at Worset Lane, Hartlepool.

It is one of several ‘peaking power’ generators for which DLP has gained planning permission on behalf of our client.

The approved development comprises a purpose-built structure containing 11 gas engine generation sets that will generate approximately 49.5MW. The building was designed to visually suit an agricultural setting with robust landscaping. Whilst functional requirements to connect to both the gas supply and electricity distribution networks dictate siting, a number of other factors were considered as part of the initial scoping process including national and local planning policy, visual amenity, landscape character and proximity to sensitive uses. Those sites which were considered to have planning merit were then taken forward to a pre-application enquiry with the Local Planning Authority to explore if these development proposals could be positively promoted through the planning process.

The development is designed to support existing infrastructure with an energy source which can add capacity and tolerance to the network at times of spikes in use or drop in supply from renewable resources. It is intended to underpin investment in the local economy and increase sustainable energy production. Whilst the form of development is suitable for both urban and rural locations, in the case of land at Worset Lane the development was located so that it would not be viewed in isolation, but rather as additional infrastructure which is similar in character, form and operation to existing utilities to which it is related

John HelyarWorset Lane