DLP has successfully obtained full planning permission on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (Yorkshire) for residential development on a former Green Belt site at Wentworth Way, Dinnington, Rotherham for 159 residential units including a new access road and landscaping. DLP previously assisted in securing the allocation of the site for housing development within the Rotherham Sites and Policies document (2018).
The proposed development demonstrates that the site can be appropriately developed to contribute to the strategic housing needs of Rotherham, including the provision of a mix of market and affordable dwellings, attractive areas of landscaping and open space, as well as improved access. The overall design, appearance and landscaping of the proposed development was carefully considered, and the scheme has been sensitively designed to consider the location of the site, the surrounding context and natural environment.
DLP also worked cooperatively with the consultant team and the Council’s Planning Officers to address drainage and highways comments and secured a positive recommendation to Planning Committee where the application was then approved.