DLP has successfully obtained planning permission for 100ha of storage and distribution on the site of the former Rockingham Motor Speedway.
Most of the site sits within East Northamptonshire District. DLP was initially instructed to appraise opportunities for the redevelopment of the historic speedway and showground on the edge of Corby.
DLP was then instructed to assemble and oversee a professional team to prepare masterplans and planning applications for the wholesale redevelopment of the site in strategic phases. Extensive discussions took place with the Planning and Highways Authorities, this led to a recommendation for
approval to the Planning Committee and the successful grant of planning permission.
The development will deliver circa 100ha of land to be used for the storage of vehicles, vehicle parts and refurbishment of vehicles (Use Class B8) and ancillary auctions. The development includes the retention of office space to accommodate around 600 staff in Hub Rockingham. The site and offices can be utilised on a 24-hour basis by businesses. Overall the development will create up to 800 jobs in the first five years of implementation.
The site masterplan includes provision for lorry parking, ancillary office accommodation and workshop space. The motor speedway stands will be removed allowing for increased open storage space. Further phases of development are proposed on the site for built development to support the automotive logistics operators.