
Residential development granted at Chesterfield Planning Committee

DLP Planning Ltd has secured full planning permission for a residential development of 9 bungalows on land to the rear of Keswick Drive, Chesterfield.

The application site presented a number of challenges including its unusual elongated shape, the location of former mine shafts and topography. Working with architects Windle Cook, a scheme was designed which addressed these potential constraints. The application proposal provided a high quality development of 9 bungalows, meeting an identified housing need in the district.

Whilst the application site lay adjacent to, but outside of, the settlement development limit of Chesterfield, the Council were satisfied that in light of the absence of a five year supply of housing land, the application proposal represented a sustainable form of development which would contribute towards the housing need of the district. Committee Members voted to uphold the officer’s recommendation and grant full planning permission for the proposed development.

John HelyarResidential development granted at Chesterfield Planning Committee

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