
Temporary Planning Permission Secured for External Seating Area for Nightclub in Sheffield City Centre

DLP Planning Ltd has successfully secured a temporary planning permission for an outdoor area associated with a Nightclub in the city centre. This positive outcome followed an officer recommendation to refuse permission which we were able to overturn at Planning Committee with the support of Councillors.

The application was made for retrospective permission to use part of a concourse area between the hours of 11pm – 5am as a smoking terrace with temporary bar and seating areas for the provision of refreshment services associated with the basement Nightclub. The seating area is enclosed by temporary fencing when in operation but taken down and stored internally when not in use.

Members of the Planning Committee accepted that the space contributed to the night-time economy and sense of activity in the city centre and that good management practices had been demonstrated. There were no objections to the development proposals and the permission effectively brought the use of the external area in line with the management’s assessment of risk and licensing agreements.

John HelyarTemporary Planning Permission Secured for External Seating Area for Nightclub in Sheffield City Centre

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