
Viability Assessment

We are able to advise on appropriate assumptions relating to development values and cost inputs to ensure that viability appraisals are robust and informed by up to date case law. This approach can help avoid undue delays as a result of viability negotiations and supports the determination of planning applications in a timely manner whilst seeking to maximise rates of return.

Universities and Education

We have a proven track record of delivering schemes for education institutions with a wide experience of working directly with university estates teams, boards of governors, educational trusts and local authorities which enables us to advise on opportunities to expand, consolidate or diversify estate assets, including operational development, sports facilities and playing fields, administrative space or residential and ancillary accommodation.

Retirement Living

Retirement living presents acute challenges where a growing elderly population, living longer, faces greater personal needs with limited access to specialist accommodation and rising costs of accommodation and care. Through our work in the sector we have considerable knowledge of the factors that govern both need and provision and can assist in promoting all forms of development to meet the diverse and growing need of a key part of our society.

Green Belt Reviews

We have experience undertaking green belt reviews for both private and public sector clients. This may be in the form of updating and critical review of the green belt as a whole or advice on specific aspects and locations in relation to potential development opportunities. In all cases we have a robust understanding of what is required by way of the strong supporting evidence on what is a politically sensitive issue.

Environmental Impact Assessment

We can advise on all aspects concerning development that may have potential to require preparation of an EIA, and can undertake the appropriate Screening as well as managing all aspects of the commissioning, preparation and publication of an Environmental Statement, instructing specialist sub-consultants as necessary, coordinating the results of baseline studies and preparing the resulting ES and its Non-Technical Summary

Land Searches

We can conduct land searches based on geographic requirements or upon our knowledge of demographic needs, market demands or policy objectives, tailored to suit the individual needs of a landowner, investor or developer. In all cases we offer a broad appreciation of the opportunities and constraints presented by strategic potential and development proposals, as well as the financial and environmental implications which are likely to arise.

Planning Evidence Studies

We can undertake a variety of planning evidence studies from Employment Land Review and Infrastructure Delivery Studies, to Strategic Housing Land Availability and Retail Impact Assessments and has a strong track record of producing robust evidence with a clear rationale to guide the decision making process.

Cinema Planning

We have extensive expertise in providing advice to a number of developers regarding standalone cinema proposals and as part of leisure and retail parks. We have a thorough understanding of the commercial context, cinema formats and trends and the economic and viability considerations of cinema and related leisure uses.

Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

We have established a significant reputation for the delivery of renewable and low carbon energy schemes and continue to support the industry as it evolves through changing national policy with particular regard to solar, anaerobic digestion and local gas powered micro-generation facilities.

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Assessments

We have a wide understanding of the issues that arise in the planning for the needs of the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities.  As such we are well versed in acting for local communities and individuals who wish to challenge poorly made and inadequately justified plans.

John HelyarSpecialisms