DLP Milton Keynes has secured full planning permission for the conversion of a two storey retail showroom to 6 flats with facilitating external amendments, in Gerrards Cross.
Having engaged with Officers from South Bucks Council through pre-application stage, DLP successfully demonstrated within the application material that the loss of the existing retail function, outside of the town centre, would not harm the local economy and would not conflict with planning policies in place to protect existing retail and employment uses.
The planning case presented also specifically detailed the recent successful DCLG appeal against the ruling that their policy to remove affordable housing requirements on sites of 10 homes or fewer was unlawful. The Council accepted the argument that the scheme did not need to be supported by a viability case to justify the provision of a full market housing scheme of a scale that – under the adopted Core Strategy policy – would have triggered affordable housing requirements.
Adjoining residents were kept informed of the proposals and their views sought ahead of submission. This ensured that concerns could be addressed where appropriate, and meant that local objections were minimised. Following the submission of additional material to respond to a highways query, there were no objections from statutory consultees and the full planning permission was secured under delegated powers for our client, Canon House Properties Ltd.
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